Archive for April, 2013

Loud Pipes For Easy Riders

Loud Pipes For Easy Riders

105th anniversary of Harley Davidson… Usually, that sounds a little more like a crowd of bikers parading in the streets on their bikes, leather jackets, mirror-like sunglasses and long hair going down from under their helmets! But not in Montreal, not that year… They held a festival where they displayed different bikes from different years, different models… All types of people showed up, a lot of people with long beards and long hair, ready to rock, ready to watch the band on stage… 🙂 Continue Reading

Heavy YFE

Heavy YFE

In 2008, Your Favorite Enemies performed in many festivals, all over Canada and USA! In August, they were at Heavy MTL, in Montreal!!! 

I take pride in saying that I have been to almost all of Your Favorite Enemies’ shows, no matter in what country or on what continent they took place… In fact, there is only one that I have missed since the very beginning of the band. And it’s this one!!!!! But I heard so many stories about it, it’s as if I was there!!! 

It was the first time the band played in front of a more “metal” crowd! They were used to festival, but not this kind… And it caused some malaise on stage, so much so that Ben says he shivers when he thinks about it, no matter how many years have passed (For more details, ask the band members themselves, they’ll know exactly what moment I’m referring to!) Continue Reading

The Bull-Sef-Party

The Bull-Sef-Party

Unable to admit that Jeff could throw a better party than himself, and maybe feeling a little reminiscent about Texas, Sef organized this huge rodeo themed party. But only between you and me, I don’t see that many people at his party… Or at least, nobody we really know. And it looks like he is far from being the center of attention. I am not sure that Sef was in the spotlight at all… lol! The bulls stole the show!

On the other end, Jeff had a “small” party… Something like he usually always does, nothing extraordinary… Some have it the natural way. Others don’t… lol! Continue Reading

I’m A YFE Cowboy Baby!

In 2008, Your Favorite Enemies drove all the way down to Austin, Texas, to perform at the South By Southwest! 30 hours, 2 vans with 10-12 people in each of them. The whole crew was joining the band for a few days in Cowboy Land (or what we thought would be cowboy land). It was our first time going to Austin, and we discovered there a land that was colorful beyond imagination, with so many people, all going to the same festival, but to see completely different types of music, people of different ages, different backgrounds, different tastes, but one same love for music, whatever the genre. A city that has a lot more to offer than the music, and that is very alive… That is the least we can say!

And once again this time, though on unknown grounds, the band gave a performance like never before… And the testimony from people seeing them live for the first time is no lie about it all… And for all of us, this very special adventure is still well engraved in our hearts until this day… For each and every one of us in a different way, and for some in a very peculiar one!

– Stephanie

Toronto Rock City

Toronto Rock City

In 2008, Your Favorite Enemies performed at the Canadian Music Week, in Toronto. They traveled by van from Montreal to Toronto, in one of the biggest snowstorms of the year. You can see just how scary it was as we were passing cars and trucks that were lying on the side of the road, upside down… Scary, yes, but it was definitely worth the 6 extra hours spent on the road that day. Yes, you did read this well. It was twice as long to get to Toronto that time…

The show was a pretty intense one, as Alex broke a window at the beginning of the song ”Little Sister”, a song that has always been very intense live! He wasn’t aware of it, the window was painted black and we couldn’t see through it… lol! After the show (or was it a few days after?), after all the emotions had subsided a bit, Miss Isabel asked him what had happened during the show, and what made him throw his mic stand through the window-wall… A testimony of passion that cannot lie, a passion that kept growing and growing over the years…

– Stephanie