Archive for December, 2012

Merry Sefmess!

I wasn’t there when we filmed the famous Merry Sefmess… but there is no way I’ll ever forget this video, absolutely no way!!!!! lol! It’s 6 years old, though… but we just had to bring back this video, as it truly brought a revolution to the way we were doing videos (and watching the different YFE-TV episodes!)

It was one of our very first videos… And the longest one so far, with different scenes in different places, and editing and everything… We had just acquired some Panasonic video cameras, our first professional cameras, and YB – a Phys Ed teacher by trade – was getting to know FinalCut, a program for video editing, little by little, one shy step at a time… So this video was quite something for each and every one of us!!!! Continue Reading

Sef’s Ultimate Mission

Sef’s Ultimate Mission

What’s very cool with Sef is the fact that he’s always very “unexpected”… And his unexpectedness always is very, very, very intense!!!! I won’t say more… Just watch the video; you’ll understand everything!!!

“When beard is in your face, it’s as easy as breathing to rock.
Cry for nothing, Rock for something.
Your call, man”

– Stephanie

Sef’s Back From The Future

Sef’s Back From The Future

Doesn’t that remind you of anything? Beside the color of the fridge, obviously! Future, for Sef, means about a year later in time! And the events he “foresaw” looked more like the event list he could have found on the band’s MySpace page at the time, as I am pretty sure that we all knew of these events when he announced them to us!!!

Everybody’s future, though? Hmmm, pretty hard for everyone! But hey, they changed with time! For better or for worse…! But honestly… Poor Sef… Being a spokesperson of the future, isn’t really something easy… 😉 Especially when you have a Masked Green Hero to mess up your plans! lol!

Here’s a glimpse of the band members’ future!

Alex’s future:
In 2007: Hiding in Japan, because he’s afraid of being the world’s biggest band; Sef’s band.
In 2012: Sef’s BFF (Best Friend Forever), has been elected sexiest man, and has a special place to live in, close to the ocean…

Ben’s future:
In 2007: Still doing his little things in the basement – still today, no one knows what he meant…
In 2012: He has a new band, “Don’t Funk With The Leprechaun”… and the band apparently sucks!

Moose’s future:
In 2007: Sef doesn’t remember…
In 2012: Working for Sef, who’s helping poor women reach their dreams…

Miss Isabel’s future:
In 2007: Sef’s servant, obeying everything he says…
In 2012: She’s married to a powerful man, ruling the universe; Sef himself!

Jeff’s future:
In 2007: Sef didn’t see him in the future… He thinks Jeff drowned in his tears! (I personally think that if he had drowned somewhere, it would of been in the river in which Sef threw his supposed Time Machine! lol!)
In 2012: His diet didn’t work at all, but the worst is having to live in a world without him…

Sef’s future, obviously, is really bright… A knight, a king, saving humanity…

– Stephanie

Snowman’s Land

Snowman’s Land

Your Favorite Enemies has always been well-known for welcoming people from all over the world as family! For a few months, we had a friend from Japan live with us, Yuki, part of the video team! And as the king he is, Sef absolutely wanted to welcome him, and show him Quebec’s traditions!

He showed him how to make his first snowman, as Yuki arrived in winter, and obviously, had him eat his very first poutine!!!

Yuki being unable to speak English when he arrived with us, Sef offered to translate for him! Well, it didn’t take long for Yuki to know that Sef wasn’t understanding any Japanese at all… and he decided to teach Sef a little lesson of his own… Yamata No Orochi…

– Stephanie

PS: Don’t worry, Sef isn’t in charge of anybody anymore when they visit the place… 😉