Sef’s Back From The Future

Sef’s Back From The Future

Doesn’t that remind you of anything? Beside the color of the fridge, obviously! Future, for Sef, means about a year later in time! And the events he “foresaw” looked more like the event list he could have found on the band’s MySpace page at the time, as I am pretty sure that we all knew of these events when he announced them to us!!!

Everybody’s future, though? Hmmm, pretty hard for everyone! But hey, they changed with time! For better or for worse…! But honestly… Poor Sef… Being a spokesperson of the future, isn’t really something easy… 😉 Especially when you have a Masked Green Hero to mess up your plans! lol!

Here’s a glimpse of the band members’ future!

Alex’s future:
In 2007: Hiding in Japan, because he’s afraid of being the world’s biggest band; Sef’s band.
In 2012: Sef’s BFF (Best Friend Forever), has been elected sexiest man, and has a special place to live in, close to the ocean…

Ben’s future:
In 2007: Still doing his little things in the basement – still today, no one knows what he meant…
In 2012: He has a new band, “Don’t Funk With The Leprechaun”… and the band apparently sucks!

Moose’s future:
In 2007: Sef doesn’t remember…
In 2012: Working for Sef, who’s helping poor women reach their dreams…

Miss Isabel’s future:
In 2007: Sef’s servant, obeying everything he says…
In 2012: She’s married to a powerful man, ruling the universe; Sef himself!

Jeff’s future:
In 2007: Sef didn’t see him in the future… He thinks Jeff drowned in his tears! (I personally think that if he had drowned somewhere, it would of been in the river in which Sef threw his supposed Time Machine! lol!)
In 2012: His diet didn’t work at all, but the worst is having to live in a world without him…

Sef’s future, obviously, is really bright… A knight, a king, saving humanity…

– Stephanie


Comments (5)

  • Anna


    Wow!! What an episode!!! Haha!!! I had forgotten about this first time travel for Sef! This guy sure has some crazy ideas and a crazy imagination!!! Good thing that the Green Masked Hero showed up and saved Jeff!!! I guess the duality between Sef and Jeff will never end!! 


  • Marcel B.


    Ich habe mir dieses Video angeschaut und ich habe mir auch den Teil des Bla Bla Bla, in welchem Sef aus der Zukunft ans Set kam, angeschaut.
    Und es stimmt, einige Dinge haben sich verändert aber man kann immer noch den Grundriss von dem, was Sef gesagt hat als er zum ersten Mal aus der Zukunft kam, erkennen.
    Vielleicht sind irgendwelche Dinge zwischen 2007 und 2012 passiert, welche die Zukunft schon verändert haben.
    Also mach euch keine Sorgen, ich bin mir sicher, dass mehr Dinge passieren werden, welche die Zukunft verändern und nichts von dem, was Sef gesagt hat wird wahr werden 😉


  • Marjo


    Sef, if I may answer a question you have asked over and over in this video (for reference: “Who’s laughing now”?)… I sure laughed a whole lot! LOL! How could I do otherwise?? lol!! Guys, thanks again for bringing back those blasts from the past… And thanks for doing it regardless of Sef’s idea involving a fridge! LOL! 🙂


  • Sef


    People were laughing at me… people didn’t take things seriously… but people never asked about the presence of a mysterious Masked Green Hero in this crazy story… I know that everybody will say he was there to save Jeff…The obvious sometimes my dear family is there just to blind people about the real story… But you cannot fool a real Bearded man!! All the secret intelligence agencies in the world are trying to unfold the mystery of my brilliant invention… Saving Jeff’s a%”%” was a cover up to get more information about this Fridge Time Machine. The Masked Green Hero was a spy from a secret intelligence agency… People still want to laugh now?? But don’t worry, I’m able to detect those kind of conspiracies… It’s not all the people who can handle such responsibility when you’re travelling in time… Me, I’m there to serve people even if they don’t take me seriously, but that’s ok… I’m able to take that burden on my shoulders as the Bearded Time Traveler of the Future (BTTF)!! I don’t need to go to the future to know that people will thank me when their eyes are gonna be opened!!


  • Chris


    This video is definitely one of my favorite YFE TV episodes! I remember hearing so much about it’s ”making of”!!
    According to what we could see earlier this year during a ”Bla Bla Bla: The Live Show” episode, Sef still has some issues about feeling like he is traveling through time!! Why not?! lol!!
    I guess that it spices up our daily life…lol


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