Japanese God

Japanese God

I guess you can consider this video the following of what happened in the previous post for Ceremony & Jubilation! lol!

Yuki wanted to teach Sef a certain lesson, after everything he had him go through. The legend of Yamata No Orochi, lost in the forest, wearing only underwear, in winter, wasn’t enough… Yuki needed to push the legend a bit further, just like Sef did with the “magic snow” and the “maple toffee”. So a little touch of “Japanese magic” did the trick!!!

Sadly for Yuki, he learned the hard way that Sef doesn’t accept humiliation that easily. And that he still believes in Yamata No Orochi, as well as he still thinks he’s a Japanese God. He’s just a little more quiet about it…

– Stephanie

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Comments (5)

  • Mary


    So that’s how Sef relaxes between recording sessions? I love the way he discovers and embodies other cultures and traditions!! I just can’t believe he survived after eating some wasabi powder. He really has the Japanese God’s power in him after all! Lol


  • Marjo


    Lol!! Sef is definetly, one of a kind!! And I hope that more of “his kind” from outer-space, are not planning to come and live here!! What?? Isn’t it where he’s from? lol! 


  • Max


    But hey… I have 1 question for all those who have doubts… Sef was ready to do EVERYTHING to become a Japanese God… What would YOU be ready to do?? No wonder why HE is our King… He would be ready to do ANYTHING for us… Better bow before him before you say anything!
    Max – Sef’s faithful disciple!


  • Chris


    Of course I think that Sef is a real Japanese God! He is so spiritual! Some people say that strength is in the hair, some say it’s in the beard… Sef’s got it all!! Just because he believes R2-D2 is real, wears white underwear (which we had the chance to see in previous videos) and speaks a totally ungrammatical English shouldn’t be a reason to discredit him!! LOL!!
    Nice video anyway!! Only Sef can be that hilarious!!


  • Anna


    Wow!! Sef will really go to any length to become a Japanese God!! But you do have to give him credit… that when he wants something he goes all the way without turning back!!! It’s actually pretty inspiring!!! Maybe he just needs a little guidance in what he wants to achieve… LOL!!!


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