


バンドの革命へと導いた“瞬間”から、 Your Favorite Enemiesのメンバーは生きることへの緊急性、解放を通して生まれる自由について分かち合っています… "Where Did We Lose Each Other"…



Written by Your Favorite Enemies. Posted in Where Did We Lose Each Other

Your Favorite Enemiesは”Where Did We Lose Each Other”が彼らにとって新たな始まりとなったと良く言っています…完璧なもの以上に生きるべきものがあると気付いた場所…そして数字によって描かれたものが、美しいものだったとしても、人生の全てはそれについてではないのです…そこには自分たちで決めるべき色があります…完璧さは最大の悲劇…そして色んなことが起きている最中で…彼らは彼ら自身の悲劇を作り出すことにしたのです…悲劇だとしても彼らのもの…彼ら自身のカオスなのです!

Comments (2)

  • Elizabeth


    When i saw Steph’s intro to this on facebook, i knew i would be drinking in every word you spoke here with such joy! As you say, when we are free to be “imperfect” – well, actually, free to acknowledge our imperfection – to try and try again without fear of failure in every area of our lives- to fly knowing that even if we “fall”, it is not the end – there is Something that can draw beauty from even our darkest moments when we allow those moments and ourselves to be redeemed, forgiven, renewed… I am learning more and more that we don’t really want or need simple answers to the mysteries of life – we just need to embrace Life and open our eyes to see – the most wondrous surprises await us when we fully accept the possibility of the impossible…love you so much and believe in you and the Vision you called to live!! mom e


  • Stefan


    I really like the picture of Perfection, it is so right. Nobody can reach Perfection, cause we fail so often.
    But i am i – with all my fears, failures and hopes, gifts on the other side.
    At least i have to say “yes” to my failures, than i can life. But if i always try to fight them i will get crushed down, cause i will find everytime new things then.
    So Perfection : Go away, you will be never part of my live.


