


バンドの革命へと導いた“瞬間”から、 Your Favorite Enemiesのメンバーは生きることへの緊急性、解放を通して生まれる自由について分かち合っています… "Where Did We Lose Each Other"…



Written by Your Favorite Enemies. Posted in Where Did We Lose Each Other

音楽はただの音譜と歌詞以上のもの…Your Favorite Enemiesはそれを信じています。そしてそれこそが彼らの魂と心の全てを彼らが作り出す歌に込める理由なのです…

バンドが輝きを失い、全てが上手く行かないように見えていた時期、メンバーがお互いから離れていた時期、レコーディングした時の状況を、”Where Did We Lose Each Other”の創作、作曲した時の状況についてもう少し詳しく聞いてみましょう。このインタビューでバンドメンバーは、曲の創作から作曲、レコーディングにいたるまでについて話しています。


Comments (1)

  • Elizabeth


    Hi dearest ones!

    I love the imagery of a cornerstone, “something real enough to keep building on” – a moment that “paved the way” for what was to come – the China/Japan tour experience for one, which could never have happened without the regeneration of the connection between the band members, the re-creation of the collective heart that allowed you to send an unmistakable, irresistible message of hope and light to all those you touched there (and all of us who traveled with you and still are through the DVD recordings – and others who will..). I don’t know what is ahead for you, but as you know, the essence of your music and everything you put forward is simply the essence of your hearts – joined together (with each other and with those who love you and with Spirit)- and this song and everything surrounding its birth make a wonderfully promise-filled new beginning!

    love you and believe in you always! praying! mom e


