


バンドの革命へと導いた“瞬間”から、 Your Favorite Enemiesのメンバーは生きることへの緊急性、解放を通して生まれる自由について分かち合っています… "Where Did We Lose Each Other"…



Written by Your Favorite Enemies. Posted in Where Did We Lose Each Other

ビデオシリーズ最後となるこのインタビューで、Your Favorite Enemiesのメンバーは”Where Did We Lose Each Other”のビデオクリップの背景にあるコンセプトについて話しています…光と影のコントラストについて、彼らが思うだけリアルなコントラストに…視覚的なレベルでの挑戦…しかし、そのコントラスト、信頼はどんな幻想的な詩よりも大切だったのです;)


Comments (1)

  • Elizabeth


    I love the discussion here of the balance and “warfare” between shadows and light – the idea that hiding and denying some emotions can keep us as shadows of our own illusions, freed only when we allow those emotions to be exposed to Light and let go…flying at last! The song and the video really do exude the presence of Something so much greater than the individuals or the band together…pregnant with hope!!! And I LOVED the second segment! All of us who love and follow you knew of Alex’s surgery and the risks he took to make the video from your sharing at the time – China right behind it – i don’t remember discussion about all the logistics problems – poor (but VERY determined) Jeff!!! – but somehow, against all odds, this miracle was created, as you say! Thank you for pushing through this difficult birth and bringing something so very AWESOME to life!!!

    love you and believe in you always!!! mom e


