Trick Or Freak

Trick Or Freak

Alright, so this one is a little more than 5 years old… One of the very first videos we’ve ever done as “Your Favorite Enemies”…

Are you planning on going trick or treating for Halloween?
You might want to reconsider this fact if you have a beard. Apparently, people with beards are too old to do that. They end up in jail… But they do have some “Candy” in the end… So I guess it’s not all that bad… lol!

And here is what is truly awesome about this video:
All of Sef’s advice is based on real, lived facts.
I mean… The guy already put needles in apples, because he was sick of having guys knocking at his door every October 31st at night… but he ended up eating the apples himself. After thinking about it, I guess he decided the kids were not even worth it… lol!

The weird people in the dark… Well, Sef has visited many “dark places” in his life… And there was always at least one strange person: Himself, who else?

Being naked is not a costume… No, especially not if you’re Sef… lol!

So yeah… I guess you better trust Sef on that one… If you do not want to end up with big problems… lol! But hey, don’t worry… Sef has changed since then… He’s not the same, really… Oh well… maybe he is the same after all… We just keep a better eye on him, now… lol!

Love you guys, and have a wonderful Halloween…
Keep in mind Sef’s advice… Who knows where “Candy” is now… lol!

– Stephanie

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Comments (9)

  • Marcel B.


    Danke Stephanie, dass du uns an diese Hinweise erinnerst.
    Naja, ich schätze, dass Sef als einziger die Idee hat, dass nackt sein ein Kostüm ist. lol
    Und um ehrlich zu sein, ich wäre dieses Jahr gern von Tür zu Tür gegangen aber wenn ich sehe, was für eine Art von Süßigkeit Sef am Ende bekommen hat, denke ich, dass es das nicht wirklich wert ist. Und ich schätze du hast recht, wir sollten ihn lieber an Halloween im Auge behalten, nur um sicher zu gehen, dass er keine seltsamen Dinge macht.


    • Stephanie


      Naja, es sieht so aus, als wenn Halloween ziemlich ruhig abgelaufen ist… Keine Probleme, gar nichts!!! Also denke ich, dass jetzt alles in Ordnung ist… Wir sollten uns keine Sorgen darüber machen müssen, was für eine Art von Süßigkeiten er nach Hause bringt!!! Bis nächstes Jahr…. 😉


  • Anna


    Thanks Steph for sharing this video with us!!! It was so great to watch it over again after all these years!!! And you are definitely right!!! Sef hasn’t changed one bit!!! I wonder if he will attempt going trick or treating this year?? I mean who knows… maybe if he wears the costume he had during the Bla Bla Bla some might think he really is an emperor and give him candy!! But one thing is for sure… we definitely have to keep a close eye on him!!! He can be pretty unpredictable!


    • Stephanie


      This definitely is a video I can never get enough of!!! Makes me laugh all the time!!! But one thing is for sure, if people give him candies, it’ll be because they’re scared of him, not because they do believe he truly is a king, or an emperor, or anything else… 😉


  • Sef


    Ok…I see… Stephanie has taken this opportunity to give her own perspective on the precious advice I gave to people for Halloween. Turning something really serious and imbued with the real spirit of a bearded man into a ridiculously cute explanation worthy of Jeff!! Yes…I went into really dark places in my life…meeting with the left behinds and the rejected ones because they were different; people like the real bearded men, werewolves, the living dead, Space Gorillas…all those “dark” dudes who needed a voice to break the silence of people’s indifference…Real Hairy Rock vibrating through the heart and spirit of real bearded men inspiring the rejected ones to unite their voices to ours…yeah…realizing they have a voice too…


    • Stephanie


      You have such a generous heart, Sef, really… But I thought that you were their king, ruling over them, not that you saved them… 😉


  • Marjo


    Wow! If I had to be in such a position (having Sef dressed as a Crayola pen at my doorstep), I think I would have not argued, and given him candies, right away… while also not trying to burst into laughter!! Haha!! Oh, and of course, I would have asked him for some advice! I mean, knowing that “being naked is not a costume” must have been helpful to many out there this Halloween! We gotta thank him for that!! lol! Well, I don’t know if we “have to” thank Sef for that…but still! lol!! 🙂


    • Stephanie


      It is one of those situations where you wish that you’re not home alone when you see that guy knocking at your door… As for the advice “being naked is not a costume”, I am not exactly sure how many people seriously considered this option as a costume, beside him, of course…


  • Ben


    It’s crazy, lol!! I should be surprised by something like that, but I’m not anymore… lol!! I came from the same family so I’m probably the only one who can understand Sef or try to tame him a little sometimes…lol. And for those who don’t know Sef very well, yes, he would do anything for candy…lol and I’m not talking about ”Candy” whom we see at the end of the video. His desire for sugar makes him lose control sometimes. I’m still trying to cope with my weirdness as a result of growing up with him. lol!!


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