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Parlez-vous Français?

2008, Jeff traveled to France, just like he did in 2012, to go to the Midem Festival in Cannes, France. A beautiful place, a kind of paradise, to say the least.

Jeff, well known for being the one dealing most of the business aspects that are related to the band, went there to have different meetings. A crazy week, indeed, he came back and we could hardly recognize him. Walking all the time, without eating because of the lack of time, waking up early in the morning in order to get ready for the meetings, and coming back at impossible hours at night after the different meetings, let’s say Jeff worked as if he had been 2 or even 3 different people. He was everywhere, all the time.

But he did all of this, and took pride in it, because he knew that what he was actually showing to people around him wasn’t how good the band was, or how we deserved to be signed… What he was so happy and excited to talk about was YOU! It is all of you who gave him the energy and strength to go through this crazy week! We did receive a lot of offers, from many companies, following that week. However, what we were looking for wasn’t the money, wasn’t the big contract… it was for YOU to get even more of Your Favorite Enemies.

People called us fools, people called us senseless, people called us crazy… because we said no to so many “big contract” opportunities. But we stayed faithful to ourselves, remembering that you were what was most important to us. Because you are the ones who allow us to be where we are right now, being the 7th member of the band, as we often say… 🙂

– Stephanie

PS: Notice the song that’s playing. A song that we will forever remember for being the one that played in the jukebox on the ferry we took back to London in YFE’s first tour in France…

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Comments (4)

  • Max


    What Jeff is saying is so deeply touching…
    I’ll add something now… if I may be honest… I am pretty sure that if it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t still be here!!
    Well… I wonder were I would be without you all actually…
    Sometimes I keep on going only for this family! This is the love I have for you 😉


  • Marcel B.


    Es ist wunderbar zu sehen, dass das Wesen immer noch das selbe ist. Selbst nach all diesen Jahren geht es für die Band immer noch nicht um das Geld, sondern nur um die Leute. Und jetzt mit der Partnerschaft mit King Records in Japan wird es anfangen sich zu entwickeln.
    Ihr habt so sehr für all dies gearbeitet. Und ja, vielleicht haben die Leute euch verrückt genannt, weil ihr nein zu “großen Vertrags-” Möglichkeiten gesagt habt. Aber wie du sagst, ihr seit euch selbst und den Leuten treu geblieben. Und ich bin mir sicher, dass die Früchte, welche ihr jetzt ernten werdet die Jahre der harten Arbeit wert sind. Jetzt ist die Zeit und ich bin mir sicher, dass auch mehr für die anderen Länder kommen wird!!


  • Chris


    I though the music at the end was so touching 😉 Seriously, the whole tone of the text and then Jeff talking in the video about how love is at the core of what the band is about… touched me deeply. To hear the song ”What A Wonderful World” perfectly represents the vision that the band stands for… no matter the struggles, feeling opposition, being discouraged at times but yet, never giving up. It’s a wonderful world… Sweet video!! Even better when we know it’s real!!


  • Anna


    So great to see this video once again! A beautiful reminder of the heart that we’ve always had for the people!!! We’re truly blessed to be surrounded by such loving and supporting friends!!! No record deal… could ever match what our friends and family means to us!!! It’s beautiful to see the faithfulness of not only Jeff but the entire band!!! Thank you for staying true to yourselves!!!


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